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Do I have to shake my sauce?

Maybe! The sauce tends to separate from the olive oil. Some people enjoy shaking things and if this is you, you're in luck! 

What is a Chupacabra?

The chupacabra is a legendary creature that inhabits parts of the Americas and attack and drink the blood of livestock. There have been many sightings dating back to the 1970's It is described as a heavy creature, with spines or quills running down its back, and has a pronounced jaw and fangs. Some accounts report it as a heavy, quadrupedal creature with wings, while others describe it as having a more reptilian appearance and being bipedal. Despite numerous reported sightings over the years, there are still many skeptics. 

How spicy is this sauce?

It's pretty spicy, but not super spicy. If you don't like spicy things, you probably won't enjoy it. If you do enjoy spicy things, you should try it! 

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